Humans of Execulink: Steve Tanner

August 18, 2022 Category: Pop Culture

Steve has been part of the Execulink team since 2018 when he started in Residential Sales. He has now journeyed to the business side of our organization as a Relationship Manager where he manages corporate accounts and connects with his clients to give them a personalized experience!

1. What does providing an awesome experience for customers mean to you?

In my time at Execulink, providing an awesome experience has always been about connecting my clients with solutions that meet their specific needs. Some clients need to solve an unexpected bottleneck today, some need solutions that prevent bottlenecks over the next three years. It’s all about listening and taking each customers individual needs into account.

2. How would you describe yourself and your role at Execulink? What was your career path here?

My role as a Relationship Manager sees me wearing lots of hats, but first and foremost I see myself as an advisor. I work with some of Execulink’s largest business clients and I connect them with new and updated solutions to ensure their needs are always being met. As businesses succeed and grow their needs change, and I’m here to make sure they have the tools and services they need for continued success.

I started at Execulink in November of 2018 when I joined the Residential Sales Team, and I spent the next three years learning the ins and outs of Execulink’s residential offerings. In November of 2021 I jumped over to the business world, where I was a member of the Inside Business Sales Team until May of this year when a new opportunity presented itself. Since then I’ve been learning about complex solutions and managing accounts as a Relationship Manager. It’s been quite the ride so far!

3. What are three words to describe Execulink?

Local, innovative and integrity!

4. What is the most important thing you have learned in the last five years?

Every obstacle presents opportunities, but you have to develop the right mindset to see them.

5. What do you like to do in your free time outside of work?

Outside of working hours you’ll find me doing a lot of different things! I’m a collector and player of both basses and guitars. I mostly stick to rock and metal these days, but Stevie Wonder has got me dabbling in 70’s pop and funk more recently.

Occasionally you’ll find me at the driving range, or golfing…though you probably won’t catch me on the fairway! I still manage to have fun, though.

I’m also an avid audio book and podcast consumer. Right now my favourite podcasts are Huberman Lab (a science and health podcast), and the It’s Always Sunny Podcast, which is about the TV show it’s named after.

Rapid Fire ‘This or That’ Questions!

  • Introvert or extrovert? – Sunday – Thursday: Introvert, Friday & Saturday: Extrovert
  • Execulink blue or green? – Blue!
  • Work at home or work in office? – Until the office provides the means to air-fry chicken wings on my lunch breaks, my answer is ‘Work at Home’ by a mile!
  • Movies or TV? – Shameless TV binger, right here!
  • Emojis or no emojis? – You only live once – emojis all day, everyday
  • Hot coffee or iced coffee? – Iced Coffee
  • iPhone or Android? – Android
  • Text or Call? – Text
  • City or Countryside? – Both!
  • USB back up or Cloud storage? – Cloud Storage!

At Execulink, we celebrate and encourage employees to find the right opportunity for them, just like Steve did. He is amazing at giving our corporate clients the awesome experience they deserve! If you are interested in joining the Execulink team, check out our careers page to learn about our open opportunities!

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