Execulink Telecom Awards Three Deserving Students with Post-Secondary Scholarships

September 20, 2022 Category:

(Woodstock, ON) September 20, 2022 – Local telecom provider Execulink Telecom has awarded three deserving students with $500 scholarships to support them on their way to post-secondary education. Each student will be attending college or university in the fall. This year’s recipients are Amber Morton of Woodstock, Julia Lucas of Lambton Shores and Jordan Vandecasteele of London.

“At Execulink, we are committed to the personal development of youth in our local communities.  We want to help students transition from high school to post-secondary learning with these scholarships,” shares Ian Stevens, President and CEO of Execulink Telecom. “We are extremely proud to help local students achieve their educational goals as they become the next generation of leaders in STEM.”

The recipients were selected based on their community involvement and strong academic standing, with particular focus on mathematics and sciences.

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