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How do I set the autotune timer on my TV?

Setting an Autotune Timer:

  1. Press the Guide button on the remote control.
  2. Navigate to future programs by using the arrow buttons on the remote to move the highlight through the Guide. Press OK on the program that you want to set the timer for. Select the “Set Autotune” symbol.
  3. Press Exit to return to watching TV.
  4. The Autotune symbol on the program on the Guide indicates that Autotune has been set. You can find your Autotune reminder in Reminders on the Menu.

Before the program begins, an alert will appear on your screen giving you the option to tune in or Cancel. You can edit the Autotune Alert Timer notification to 0 seconds , 30 seconds, 2 minutes or 5 minutes before the show starts. You can change this through Settings> Preferences on the Menu.

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