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First Time Sign-In:

  • Press and hold ‘1’ on the mobile phone dialer interface.
  • Configure your voicemail service in three easy steps.
  • To skip this process, press the ‘*‘ key twice. Quit setup at any time by ending the call; you will need to complete all three steps during your next call.

1. Create your PIN

  • Enter a PIN then press ‘#‘ when finished.
    • New Security Voicemail PIN Rules:
      • PIN may be between 4-20 digits long
      • PIN digits may not be sequential ascending (eg. 1234, 5678)
      • PIN digits may not be sequential descending (eg. 4321, 9876)
      • Digits may not be repeated 4 or more times (eg. 5555)
      • Digits must not be contained in the phone number, or must not contain the phone number (eg. 5194561098 may not use 1098 or 5194) This applies across any number associated with the mailbox (ie. shared mailboxes).
  • Re-enter the PIN to confirm your entry and press ‘#‘ when finished.

2. Record your name

  • Please make your recording less than ten seconds long.
  • Record your name and press ‘#‘ when finished.
  • The system will play your recording back to you. Press ‘1‘ to try again, or ‘#‘ to keep the recording.

3. Record or Choose a Greeting

Personal Greetings: Press ‘1‘ to record a personal greeting, then ‘#‘ when finished.

System-Generated Greetings:

  • Press ‘2‘ to announce your recorded name.
  • Press ‘3‘ to announce your phone number.
  • Press ‘4‘ to announce neither your name nor your phone number. A generic message will advise callers you are not available.
  • To record or select a different greeting, press ‘1‘.
  • To confirm your selection as the preferred greeting, press ‘#‘.

Accessing your Mailbox:

  • Press and hold the number ‘1’ on your mobile phone’s keypad, or call your phone number from any outside line.
  • From the voicemail greeting, press ‘*‘ to log into your account. You must always enter your PIN when accessing the system this way.
  • If you have text messaging enabled, a new message icon will appear in your phone’s notification area.
  • The system will confirm how many messages you have, and how to access them.
  • If you have no new voice messages, you will be forwarded to the Main Menu.
  • If your mailbox is almost full, the system will warn you. To keep your service working properly, please delete old messages.
  • To begin reviewing your messages, press ‘1’ from the Main Menu.

Message Management:

  • To replay a message, press ‘1’.
  • To save a message and go to the next one, press ‘2’. This will store the message and mark it as saved.
  • To erase a message, press ‘3’. If you change your mind, you can recover deleted messages by pressing ‘6’ from the Main Menu.
  • To reply to a message, press ‘4’.
  • To return to the previous message, press ‘*‘.
  • To skip a message, press ‘#’.
  • To hear details of the date and time of the message, and the caller’s name or number, press ’66’.

Account Security:

The voicemail system will lock you out if you enter a bad password repeatedly. If this happens, please call technical support.

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