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I can’t open Execulink TV on my phone/tablet – What do I do?

Android Devices

  1. Restart Execulink TV on your Android device. If Execulink TV will still not open, proceed to step 2.
  2. Uninstall Execulink TV:
    • Press the “Apps” button in the bottom right hand of your device
    • Find Execulink TV and press it for 3 seconds
    • Drag the icon to the “Uninstall App” in the top left of your screen
    • Press “OK” when prompted with “Do you want to uninstall this app?”
  3. Reinstall Execulink TV. For instruction on how to install Execulink TV, click HERE
  4. If you are still unable to open Execulink TV, give us a call at 1-866-706-2053.

Apple Devices

  1. Restart Execulink TV on your Apple device. If Execulink TV will still not open, proceed to step 2.
  2. Uninstall Execulink TV:
    • Hold down the Execulink TV logo for 3 seconds on your home screen
    • Once an ‘X’ appears on the top left corner of the Execulink TV logo, click it
    • When prompted, click “Delete”
  3. Reinstall Execulink TV. For instruction on how to install Execulink TV, click HERE
  4. If you are still unable to open Execulink TV, give us a call at 1-866-706-2053.
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